Fulfilling Community Health Assessment Requirements: Lessons Learned From Facilitating State-wide Community Health Forums

Ashley D. Walker, Angela Peden, Stuart H. Tedders, John S. Barron, Aaron Jackson, Nicholas Williams, Bethrand Ugwu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


<p> <p id="x-x-x-x-docs-internal-guid-f681a376-3e58-045a-5201-685e13c26d39"> <strong> Background: </strong> A prerequisite for National Public Health Accreditation is completion of a Community Health Assessment (CHA) that presents an exhaustive profile of the population served by a particular public health agency. </p> <p> <strong> Methods: </strong> The Georgia Department of Public Health (GA DPH) contracted with the Center for Public Health Practice and Research at Georgia Southern University to facilitate five state-wide community health forums. </p> <p> <strong> Results: </strong> Evaluation of the forums yielded qualitative data illustrating current challenges faced by Georgians, as well as assets that could be leveraged to improve health status. </p> <p> <strong> Conclusion: </strong> Lessons learned from these state-wide community health forums can be applied to improve the overall process of gathering data for a comprehensive CHA throughout Georgia or other areas interested in pursuing public health agency accreditation. </p></p>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of the Georgia Public Health Assocation
StatePublished - Aug 15 2016


  • Accreditation
  • Community assessment
  • Community engagement
  • Health forums

DC Disciplines

  • Community Health
  • Community Health and Preventive Medicine
  • Public Health
  • Public Health Education and Promotion


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