Gaming Against Plagiarism (GAP): A Game-Based Approach to Illustrate Research Misconduct to Undergraduate Engineering Students

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In this paper, we discuss our experience using a set of games called "Gaming Against Plagiarism" to increase awareness in different types of research misconduct, and highlight the ramification of committing such misconducts among undergraduate engineering students. Gaming Against Plagiarism consists of three mini-games that address research misconduct. The types of research misconduct addressed are stealing, misquoting, patchwriting, insufficient paraphrasing, self-plagiarism, data falsification, and data fabrication. In these games, students are virtually put into situations involving research misconduct. The students either have to identify the type of misconduct or make an ethical decision by avoiding research misconduct. We assessed the impact of these games using qualitative and quantitative assessments techniques. Pre and post-surveys were conducted asking students to identity different research misconduct cases before and after they played the games. The results indicated that using this game-based approach to increase awareness of research misconduct among undergraduate students is effective. This conclusion was inferred by the statistical analysis with 98.7% confidence level. We also showed that the concepts of falsification and fabrication are somewhat confusing for students.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 30 2014
EventProceedings of the 2014 American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference -
Duration: Mar 30 2014 → …


ConferenceProceedings of the 2014 American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference
Period03/30/14 → …


  • Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • Game-Based
  • Research misconduct
  • Ethics
  • Plagiarism


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