Gaming Design Thinking: Wicked Problems, Sufficient Solutions, and the Possibility Space of Games

Laquana Cooke, Lisa Dusenberry, Joy Robinson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


The multiple conceptualizations of design thinking make it difficult to implement and teach in TPC, especially given classroom constraints. We propose a framework (mind-set and process) that balances knowing with the thinking/doing of design thinking. This framework is effectively implemented through game design. We demonstrate that game design increases students’ ability to iterate and solve macro- and micro-level problems along with their ability to approach unfamiliar or ill-structured tasks while facing such wicked problems.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalTechnical Communication Quarterly
StatePublished - 2020


  • Technical and Professional Writing


  • Classroom research
  • computer-based learning
  • curriculum design
  • design of communication
  • digital technologies
  • history of technical communication
  • interaction design
  • pedagogical theory


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