Geologic Evolution of Trail Ridge Eolian Heavy-Mineral Sand and Underlying Peat, Northern Florida

Eric Force, Fredrick J. Rich

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Describes an important domestic source of altered ilmenite, zircon, and other minerals since 1949. Trail Ridge apparently represents a coast-parallel transgressive dune complex, analogous to younger dunes elsewhere that have become completely decoupled from parental shorelines. The Trail Ridge body was probably composite, made up of individual parabolic dunes, each migrating southwestward. -from Authors

Original languageAmerican English
JournalU.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1499
StatePublished - Jan 1 1989


  • Geology
  • Geography


  • Eolian heavy-mineral sand
  • Geological evolution
  • Northern Florida
  • Trail Ridge
  • Underlying peat


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