Gorenstein Injective Covers and Envelopes over Rings That Satisfy the Auslander Condition

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1 Scopus citations


It was recently proved [17] that the class of Gorenstein injective left R-modules is both covering and enveloping over a two-sided noetherian ring R with the property that the character modules of the Gorenstein injective left R-modules are Gorenstein flat. It was also proved that over the same type of rings, the class of Gorenstein flat right R-modules is preenveloping [16]. We prove here that if R is a two-sided noetherian ring R such that R if satisfies the Auslander condition and has finite finitistic left injective dimension, then R has the desired property; the character module of any Gorenstein injective is Gorenstein flat.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalActa Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae
StatePublished - Jan 21 2016


  • Education
  • Mathematics


  • Auslander condition
  • Gorenstein
  • Gornstein injective
  • Rorenstein injective left R-modules


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