Gorenstein Projective Precovers

Sergio Estrada, Alina Iacob, Katelyn A. Coggins, Katelyn Yeomans

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


We prove that the class of Gorenstein projective modules is special precovering over any left GF-closed ring such that every Gorenstein projective module is Gorenstein flat and every Gorenstein flat module has finite Gorenstein projective dimension. This class of rings includes (strictly) Gorenstein rings, commutative noetherian rings of finite Krull dimension, as well as right coherent and left n-perfect rings. In Sect. 4 we give examples of left GF-closed rings that have the desired properties (every Gorenstein projective module is Gorenstein flat and every Gorenstein flat has finite Gorenstein projective dimension) and that are not right coherent.

Original languageEnglish
Article number33
JournalMediterranean Journal of Mathematics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 1 2017


  • Gorenstein flat
  • Gorenstein projective
  • precover


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