Growth in Russia's Federal Districts, 1994-2003

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Russian macroeconomic growth in the transition era is analysed across federal districts using a neoclassical production function often found in studies of Soviet-era economic growth. An adjusted capital stock series for Russian regions is created and used in the aggregate production function for 1995-2003 to analyse growth across the 11 federal districts in Russia. Federal district output growth is found to be explained well by neoclassical growth theory, indicating that poorer regions may converge to richer regions, thereby strengthening the Russian Federation. Federal districts also have high capital/labour ratios, suggesting that expanded regional domestic and foreign investment across Russia in the future will enhance growth.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalPost-Communist Economies
StatePublished - Mar 1 2010


  • Finance and Financial Management
  • Economics


  • Economics
  • FD
  • Federal Districts
  • Russia


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