Heart rate variability in college football players throughout preseason camp in the heat

Andrew A. Flatt, Jeff Allen, Amy Bragg, Clayton Keith, Ryan Earley, Michael R. Esco

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


We aimed to characterize cardiac-autonomic responses to a 13-day preseason camp in the heat among an American college football team. Players were categorized as linemen (n=10) and non-linemen (n=18). RHR, natural logarithm of the root-mean square of successive differences multiplied by twenty (LnRMSSD), and subjective wellbeing (LnWellness) were acquired daily. Effect sizes±90% confidence interval showed that for linemen, LnRMSSD decreased (moderate) on day 2 (71.2±10.4) and increased (moderate) on day 12 (87.1±11.2) relative to day 1 (77.9±11.2) while RHR decreased (small-moderate) on days 6, 7, and 12 (67.7±9.3-70.4±5.5 b·min-1) relative to day 1 (77.1±10.1 b·min-1). For non-linemen, LnRMSSD increased (small-large) on days 3-5, 7, 12, and 13 (83.4±6.8-87.6±8.5) relative to day 1 (80.0±6.5) while RHR decreased (small-large) on days 3-9, 12, and 13 (62.1±5.2-67.9±8.1 b·min-1) relative to day 1 (70.8±6.2 b·min-1). Decrements in LnWellness were observed on days 4-10 and 13 for linemen (moderate) and on days 6-9, 12, and 13 for non-linemen (small-moderate). Despite reductions in LnWellness, cardiac-autonomic parameters demonstrated responses consistent with heat-acclimation, which possibly attenuated fatigue-related decrements.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberijsm7797
Pages (from-to)589-595
Number of pages7
JournalInternational Journal of Sports Medicine
Issue number9
StatePublished - Aug 1 2020

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • Orthopedics and Sports Medicine


  • adaptation
  • autonomic
  • cardiac-parasympathetic
  • cardiovascular
  • sports science


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