Hodge Theory on Transversely Symplectic Foliations

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In this paper, we develop symplectic Hodge theory on transversely symplectic foliations. In particular, we establish the symplectic dδ -lemma for any such foliations with the (transverse) s-Lefschetz property. As transversely symplectic foliations include many geometric structures, such as contact manifolds, co-symplectic manifolds, symplectic orbifolds and symplectic quasi-folds as special examples, our work provides a unifying treatment of symplectic Hodge theory in these geometries. As an application, we show that on compact K-contact manifolds, the s-Lefschetz property implies a general result on the vanishing of cup products, and that the cup length of a 2n + 1 dimensional compact K-contact manifold with the (transverse) s-Lefschetz property is at most 2nΣs. For any even integer s≥2, we also apply our main result to produce examples of K-contact manifolds that are s-Lefschetz, but not (s+1)-Lefschetz.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalThe Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
StatePublished - Dec 14 2017


  • Education
  • Mathematics


  • Geometric
  • Hodge Theory
  • Symplectic Foliations


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