Impacts of Mobility on Performance of Blockchain in VANET

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

71 Scopus citations


This paper investigates how mobility affects the performance of a blockchain system operating in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). The mobility of nodes incurs a unique challenge to a blockchain system due to continuous change and dynamicity in the connectivity of the nodes. Specifically, the mobility makes a proof-of-work (PoW) process difficult since while moving the nodes can only have a limited length of time for a 'rendezvous' to exchange a new block for verification. For this reason, accurate modeling for the block exchange behavior in a VANET is also challenging, which nevertheless has not been discussed in previous studies. Therefore, this paper provides an analysis framework that formulates the impact of mobility on a blockchain system's performance in a VANET based on three key metrics: (i) the probability of a successful addition of block to the chain; (ii) the stability of a rendezvous, and; (iii) the number of blocks exchanged during a rendezvous. The closed-form expressions and numerical results display the performance of a blockchain system in various scenarios in a VANET.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalIEEE Access
StatePublished - May 1 2019


  • Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • Block exchange behavior
  • Blockchain
  • Blockchain system
  • Dynamicity
  • FN
  • Full node
  • Number of exchanged blocks
  • Peer-to-peer computing
  • PoW
  • Probability
  • Proof-of-work
  • Proof-to-work process
  • Rendezvous
  • Roads
  • Security
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles
  • Vehicular ad hoc networks


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