Information Literacy reimagined: Deep Learning Practice

Kay G. Coates, Beverly A King Miller

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation

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Presentation given by Georgia Southern faculty member Kay Coates at the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy.

Promoting information literacy synchronously and asynchronously, albeit concurrently in traditional classrooms, virtual and hybrid settings is fast becoming the norm. As such, reference and instruction librarians in responding to rapid changes occasioned by the pandemic shuffle could more intentionally incorporate certain pedagogical approaches to deliver library instruction. The intent is to attract and increase traffic in the information literacy arena, so to speak. One such user-centric approach to consider is deep learning. Operationalizing a deep learning methodology could engender the ultimate desired outcome to positively impact academic success within a cohort. Moreover, the anxiety associated with concerns about learner agency and the common complexities associated with student/user engagement is quelled. Through this research-based praxis, instructors and students/users alike engage in knowledge transfer protocols that yield win-win outcomes. On the whole, user advocacy for upward trajectory in academic, educational, and civic engagement pursuant to crafting unique information handling blueprints that reach well beyond the classroom becomes manifest.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 26 2021
EventGeorgia International Conference on Information Literacy - Savannah, United States
Duration: Mar 26 2021Mar 26 2021 (Link to conference archive)


ConferenceGeorgia International Conference on Information Literacy
Abbreviated titleGICOIL
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


  • Academic success
  • Deep learning
  • Information literacy
  • Library instruction
  • User engagement

DC Disciplines

  • Library and Information Science
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences


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