Inverse Analysis of Pavement Structural Properties Based on Dynamic Finite Element Modeling and Genetic Algorithm

Xiaochao Tang, Xiaoming Yang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


With the movement towards the implementation of mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG), an accurate determination of pavement layer moduli is vital for predicting pavement critical mechanistic responses. A backcalculation procedure is commonly used to estimate the pavement layer moduli based on the non-destructive falling weight deflectometer (FWD) tests. Backcalculation of flexible pavement layer properties is an inverse problem with known input and output signals based upon which unknown parameters of the pavement system are evaluated. In this study, an inverse analysis procedure that combines the finite element analysis and a population-based optimization technique, Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been developed to determine the pavement layer structural properties. A lightweight deflectometer (LWD) was used to infer the moduli of instrumented three-layer scaled flexible pavement models. While the common practice in backcalculating pavement layer properties still assumes a static FWD load and uses only peak values of the load and deflections, dynamic analysis was conducted to simulate the impulse LWD load. The recorded time histories of the LWD load were used as the known inputs into the pavement system while the measured time-histories of surface central deflections and subgrade deflections measured with a linear variable differential transformers (LVDT) were considered as the outputs. As a result, consistent pavement layer moduli can be obtained through this inverse analysis procedure.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalInternational Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
StatePublished - Mar 1 2013


  • Construction Engineering
  • Civil Engineering


  • Dynamic finite element modeling
  • Genetic algorithm
  • Inverse analysis
  • Pavement structural properties


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