Isolation of Six Putative P-Type ATPase β Subunit PCR Fragments From the Brain of the European Eel (Anguilla anguilla)

C. P. Cutler, I. L. Sanders, G. Cramb

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


<div class="line" id="line-5"> Over the last decade substantial progress has been made in the identification of isoforms of P&hyphen;type ATPase subunits. Of the P&hyphen;type ATPase characterized, only the four &alpha; subunit isoforms of Na,K&hyphen;ATPase1 or the two &alpha; subunit isoforms of the closely related enzyme H, K&hyphen;ATPase2 are known to associate with &beta; subunits. To date, studies investigating the existence of P&hyphen;type ATPase &beta; subunit isoforms have resulted in the identification of five &beta; subunit isoforms (designated &beta;1, &beta;2, &beta;3, H,K &beta;, and &beta;b1) in different species.3 However, unlike the Na, K&hyphen;ATPase or H, K&hyphen; ATPase &alpha; subunit isoforms which share relatively high levels of amino acid homology (&gt;60%), the amino acid sequences of &beta; subunit isoforms share much lower levels of homology, sometimes as low as 30%. The low level of homology of &beta; subunit isoforms makes the task of discovering new isoforms considerably more difficult. Here as part of a wider study investigating the role of ion transporters in various osmoregulatory tissues in euryhaline fish, experiments were designed to determine which P&hyphen;type ATPase &beta; subunit isoforms were expressed in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla).</div>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences
StatePublished - Nov 1997


  • Biology


  • ATPase b subunit
  • Anguilla anguilla
  • Brain
  • European Eel
  • Isolation
  • PCR fragments
  • Putative p-type


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