Leader Emergence: The Development of a Theoretical Framework

William I. Norton, Monique L. Ueltschy Murfield, Melissa S. Baucus

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework to explain how leaders emerge in teams that lack a hierarchical structure. This framework emphasizes the perceptual processes through which team members determine whether or not an individual fits with the task, the group, and the situational context. Design/methodology/approach – This paper builds on prior leadership research to develop a theoretical framework of emergent leadership, a testable model, and research propositions. Findings – The authors suggest that team members’ perceptions of leadership fit depend on the potential leader’s domain competence, fluid intelligence, willingness to serve, credibility, and goal attainment. A conceptual framework is developed to suggest these attributes combine to create perceptions of leadership fit that must correspond to the degree of stress in the situational context, which varies according to task criticality and time compression. The framework suggests that an individual perceived by team members to exhibit characteristics that fit with the situation will likely emerge as the leader. Research limitations/implications – This paper focusses on emergent leadership, but does not address which path to leadership may be best. Future research may also address group dynamics (i.e. cohesion or group potency) and the implications for leader emergence. Originality/value – This research contributes to the discipline by suggesting a potential path of leader emergence in multiple contexts of situational stress and leader behaviors.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalLeadership and Organization Development Journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 2014


  • Business Administration, Management, and Operations
  • Business


  • Cognitive resource theory
  • Leader behaviors
  • Leader emergence
  • Leadership
  • Leadership fit
  • Situational stress


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