Learning to Teach Mathematics With Robots: Developing the ‘T’ in Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

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A multiple case study was conducted to investigate how Lego robotics instruction incorporated into a middle grades mathematics methods course could inform pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) TPACK through the lens of Social Constructivist The-ory. The qualitative data analysis revealed that when instruction on Lego robotics technology is integrated into semester long mathematics methods courses, PSTs are able to improve their TPACK knowledge in regard to the robotics. Overall, the findings suggest instruction of educational technology tools should be incorporated into methods courses over a longer duration of time, and in depth, to better support the development of PSTs’ TPACK. To meet the demands of the teacher shortages while simultaneously supporting the needs of school districts, this research provides preliminary evidence of the need to incorporate content-specific technology into all methods courses.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalResearch in Learning Technology
StatePublished - Jun 11 2021


  • Lego robotics
  • Mathematics
  • Middle grades education
  • Teacher education


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