Librarians' understanding of Information Literacy in academic libraries in Bulgaria: A Case study

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1 Scopus citations


Work published in Information Literacy in the Workplace: Communications in Computer and Information Science .

This study aims at illuminating a culturally situated understanding of Information literacy (IL) contextualized by a particular landscape in terms of a specific geographic region with related socio-cultural characteristics. The understanding of IL defines the frameworks for teaching IL in academic settings and impacts pedagogy. The study embraces the  constructivist  worldview through the lens of a socio-cultural theoretical framework and employs  instrumental  (with  exploratory  and  ethnographic  elements) case study approach. The research design includes: field observations and analysis, unobtrusive data set(s) collection and examination, artifact analysis such as websites, and in-depth interviews with Bulgarian academic librarians. This study addresses the need to apply culturally grounded approaches to IL to better serve specific groups. It will add to the international pool of knowledge in the field and will benefit Bulgarian academic librarians by providing a view of their understanding of IL and possibly facilitate further inquiry into suitable framework and practices.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationInformation Literacy in the Workplace: Communications in Computer and Information Science
StatePublished - Jan 18 2018


  • Library and Information Science


  • Academic library
  • Bulgaria
  • Information literacy


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