Lp Estimates for the Iterated Hardy-Littlewood Maximal Operator on Rn and Kn, K a Local Field

Shijun Zheng, Weiyi Su

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


<div class="line" id="line-5"> In light of two measure estimate inequalities from [4] for the iterated Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator <i class="EmphasisTypeItalic"> M </i> k f, certain equivalence between <i class="EmphasisTypeItalic"> M </i> k f and the Zygmund class <i class="EmphasisTypeItalic"> L </i> Log <i class="EmphasisTypeItalic"> a </i> <i class="EmphasisTypeItalic"> L </i> are established on <span class="InlineEquation" id="IE2"> <span class="MathJax" data-mathml='&lt;math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"&gt;&lt;msup&gt;&lt;mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"&gt;&lt;mi mathvariant="double-struck"&gt;R&lt;/mi&gt;&lt;/mrow&gt;&lt;mi&gt;n&lt;/mi&gt;&lt;/msup&gt;&lt;/math&gt;' id="MathJax-Element-2-Frame" role="presentation" tabindex="0"> <span class="math" id="MathJax-Span-8"> <span style="font-size: 111%;"> <span class="mrow" id="MathJax-Span-9"> <span class="msubsup" id="MathJax-Span-10"> <span class="texatom" id="MathJax-Span-11"> <span class="mrow" id="MathJax-Span-12"> <span class="mi" id="MathJax-Span-13" style="font-family: MathJax_AMS;"> R </span> </span> </span> <span class="mi" id="MathJax-Span-14" style="font-size: 70.7%; font-family: MathJax_Math;"> n </span> </span> </span> </span> </span> </span> </span> , so that we generalize Stein's <i class="EmphasisTypeItalic"> L </i> Log <i class="EmphasisTypeItalic"> L </i> theorem. In Section 3, a simple induction enables us to prove such extensions on <i class="EmphasisTypeItalic"> K </i> <span style="font-size: 70.7%; font-family: MathJax_Math;"> n </span> , the n-dimensional linear space over a local field <i class="EmphasisTypeItalic"> K </i> , without recoursing to Leckband's result.</div>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalApproximation Theory and its Applications
StatePublished - Sep 1998


  • Mathematics


  • Hardy space
  • Induction hypothesis
  • Iterate operator
  • Local field
  • Weak type


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