Making Data Bearable: Teaching Research Data Management with Gummi Bears

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationpeer-review


How do you get students excited about research data management? With Gummi Bears and hands-on fun! Presenters will introduce an active learning session for students of all experience levels to learn basic data management concepts and techniques. Presenters will share their design process, highlighting how Gummi Bears lessened students’ intimidation with this complex topic. A detailed breakdown of workshop assessment, including deliverables, learning objectives, and supported ACRL frames, will provide context for how to adapt the workshop to various experience levels. Participants will be provided access to workshop materials, including promotional materials and a best practices handout.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Oct 2019
EventGeorgia Libraries Conference - Macon, United States
Duration: Oct 9 2019Oct 11 2019 (Link to conference website)


ConferenceGeorgia Libraries Conference
Abbreviated titleGLC
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


  • Library and Information Science
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences


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