Methods of a narrative inquirist: Storying the endured teacher identity

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1 Scopus citations


While I was a young English language arts teacher, my teacher identity matured in a nurturing environment cultivated by my veteran colleagues. Finding that this is not the common narrative told by beginning teachers (Alsup, 2019, 2006; Danielewicz, 2001), I wondered what impact sharing the stories of my veteran colleagues could have on young teachers. The purpose of this paper is to explain why narrative inquiry fit the parameters of this particular inquiry, what methods were utilized and how the project was constructed. Like Spector-Mersel (2011), I intend to describe my use of narrative inquiry to expand its conceptual and methodological definitions.

While I was a young English language arts teacher, my teacher identity matured in a nurturing environment cultivated by my veteran colleagues. Finding that this is not the common narrative told by beginning teachers (Alsup, 2019, 2006; Danielewicz, 2001), I wondered what impact sharing the stories of my veteran colleagues could have on young teachers. The purpose of this paper is to explain why narrative inquiry fit the parameters of this particular inquiry, what methods were utilized and how the project was constructed. Like Spector-Mersel (2011), I intend to describe my use of narrative inquiry to expand its conceptual and methodological definitions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3962-3975
Number of pages14
JournalQualitative Report
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2020

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Social Psychology
  • Cultural Studies
  • Education


  • Narrative Inquiry
  • Qualitative Methodology
  • Teacher Identity


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