Monge-Ampere Equations and Bellman Functions: The Dyadic Maximal Operator

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


<div class="line" id="line-19"> When proving a sharp inequality in a harmonic analysis setting, one can sometimes recast the problem as that of &filig;nding the corresponding Bellman function. These functions often arise as solutions of Monge-Ampere PDEs on problem-speci&filig;c domains; in such a case, the optimizers in the inequality can be found using the straight-line characteristics of the equation.</div><div class="line" id="line-32"> <br/></div><div class="line" id="line-28"> I will show how to &filig;nd the Bellman function for one important example &ndash; the dyadic maximal operator on Lp. This function has been previously found by A. Melas in a di&fflig;erent way. The approach presented can be generalized to other well-localized operators and function classes. Joint work with Leonid Slavin and Vasily Vasyunin.</div>
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jun 12 2012
EventInternational Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations - Madrid, Spain
Duration: Jun 12 2012 → …


ConferenceInternational Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Period06/12/12 → …


  • Mathematics


  • Bellman functions
  • Dyadic maximal operator
  • Monge-Ampere equations


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