Monitoring Beach Profile Changes: Low-Cost Coastal Assessment Techniques for Coastal Compartment Management Planning

Chester W. Jackson, Ryann M. Runyan, Elizabeth M. Perison, David M. Bush, Rochelle F. Pertruccelli, William J. Neal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Delineating Puerto Rico’s compartmentalized coast using highly sophisticated techniques is costly and requires expertise to facilitate. Funding for such methods of shoreline evaluation can be economically challenging for small coastal communities who are most in need due to high vulnerability. Low cost assessment techniques are an alternative option for scientifically viable coastal management. Extensive beach profiling along with geoindicator evaluations educate decision makers and the general public on how to conduct simple assessment techniques taught via public outreach programs. Coastal communities will become more aware of their surrounding environment’s coastal dynamics as well as vulnerability to coastal hazards. Moreover, low cost assessment techniques are a progression toward an economically plausible and scientifically sound Coastal Compartment Management Planning.

Historical shoreline positions reveal the island’s coasts are divided into individual compartments and operate independently of neighboring compartments, resulting in sectional beach dynamics. The vulnerability of each compartment varies in correspondence to exposure to coastal hazards. Areas found to be high-to-extremely high vulnerability from past studies are prioritized for monitoring. Continual photo documentation, simple beach profiling and geoindicator evaluations are long-term monitoring techniques utilized in this study. These cost effective techniques provide guidance for scientifically sound costal compartment management in addition to providing vulnerability updates for the coastal hazards more common to the area (e.g. flooding in low-lying areas including coastal mangroves, wetlands, and developments at low elevations). Such hazards are essential to evaluate for risk reduction and natural disaster mitigation. The simplistic application of monitoring beach profile changes is necessary for the safety of costal inhabitants as well as present and future developments.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalGeological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
StatePublished - 2011


  • Geology


  • CCMP
  • Coastal Compartment Management Planning
  • Puerto Rico


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