More than Butts in the Seat! Outreach Programs enhance the Metaliteracy and Social Learning concepts of the New Information Literacy Framework

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Presented at Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy
Quality outreach programs help strengthen an institution’s information literacy program by connecting the dots between those “gray” areas of scholarship. The right program breaks down barriers allowing participants to ask, share, and explore within a collaborative community. Offering creative outreach programs requires flexibility and an open mind from the library staff, but the rewards include stronger support for the institutional mission, increased visibility for the library’s services, and collaborative partnerships with both academic and service departments within the community.
Participants will leave this workshop with a plan for one outreach initiative, and the foundation to begin the conversation of outreach within their institution! We will begin the session by playing a mystery game to break the ice and start the conversation (10 minutes). A writing exercise (10 minutes) will follow and provide examples of possible assessment for this type of activity. This will lead to a 25 minute overview of successful outreach programs, assessment options, and how these initiatives help support the new Information Literacy Framework (ACRL). Participants will then break into small groups for a 20 minute guided activity where they brainstorm/create an outreach program to support an initiative already present within their institution. Ten minutes will be reserved for wrap up and questions.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Sep 2016
EventGeorgia International Conference on Information Literacy - Savannah, United States
Duration: Sep 30 2016Oct 1 2016 (Link to conference archive)


ConferenceGeorgia International Conference on Information Literacy
Abbreviated titleGICOIL
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Library and Information Science


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