Multivariate Dose-Response Analysis of Ordinal Response Data

Kao-Tai Tsai, Karl E. Peace

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


In medical research clinical trials, patients are usually evaluated on multiple ordinal-scaled psychometric instruments. Conventional treatment efficacy assessment is conducted on each instrument individually. In this presentation, we consider a dose-response study in neuroscience and propose to assess the joint efficacy of the instruments based on a multivariate method which is applied to each stratum of the multivariate baseline measures. The performance of the proposed method will be compared with some conventional approaches. The significance of the proposed method will be evaluated using both the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic and the empirical permutation distribution of the data.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings
StatePublished - Aug 2 2007


  • Biostatistics
  • Community Health
  • Public Health


  • Dose Response
  • Multivariate Test
  • Neuroscience Clinical Trial
  • Ordinal Data


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