Native and Detection-Specific Log Auditing for Small Network Environments

Brittany Wilbert, Lei Chen

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


A vital aspect of network monitoring is the necessity for log management. Most large companies and organizations may have well developed security policies and procedures, and sufficient fund, people, and other resources for continuous log maintaining and auditing. However, for limited-sizenetwork environments in small business, it is relatively difficult to collect log data, process it in a manner that is human readable, and be notified of potential attacks. This paper discusses techniques for log collection and auditing within a small network environment. In this research, techniques performed in larger environments to assist in log auditing are examined, and a discussion of how these techniques can be modified and adapted for small businesses is also performed.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science
StatePublished - Dec 14 2012


  • Databases and Information Systems


  • Detection-specific log auditing
  • Native log auditing
  • Small network environments


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