New Technology and Implications for Health Care and Public Health: The Case of Probabilistic Record Linkage

Gulzar H. Shah, Kaveepan Lertwachara, Anteneth Ayanso

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Georgia Southern University faculty member Gulzar H. Shah co-authored "New Technology and Implications for Health Care and Public Health: The Case of Probabilistic Record Linkage" alongside non-faculty members Kaveepan Lertwachara and Anteneth Ayanso in Healthcare and the Effect of Technology: Developments, Challenges and Advancements.

Book Summary: Healthcare and the Effect of Technology: Developments, Challenges and Advancements bridges the gap between today's empirical research findings and healthcare practice. It provides the reader with information on current technological integrations, potential uses for technology in healthcare, and the implications—both positive and negative—of health informatics for one's health. Technology in healthcare can improve efficiency, make patient records more accessible, increase professional communication, create global health networking, and increase access to healthcare. However, it is important to consider the ethical, confidential, and cultural implications technology in healthcare may impose. That is what makes this book is a must-read for policymakers, human resource professionals, management personnel, as well as for researchers, scholars, students, and healthcare professionals.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationHealthcare and the Effect of Technology: Developments, Challenges and Advancements
StatePublished - 2010


  • Health Policy
  • Health Services Administration
  • Public Health


  • Case
  • Health care
  • Implications
  • Probabilistic
  • Public health
  • Record linkage
  • Technology


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