NIAID International Centers of Excellence in Research (ICER) Program

Research output: Other contributionOther


Funding Agency: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/ Fogarty International Center

Total amount: $6,048 (my per year funded portion), Award No: 5 U2R TW006246-04

Percent Effort on Project: 5% per year

Funding Period: May 1, 2003- April 30, 2008

Role on Project: Investigator/Mentor/Trainer (PI - Eric Chamot, PhD)

Project Description: This is a clinical training program designed as a collaborative effort between in-country investigators and staff at the NIAID International Centers of Excellence in Research (ICER) Program, the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), the Fogarty International Center (FIC), staff and collaborating investigators from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and ICER site collaborators in or near Bamako, Mali; Chennai, India; and Kampala, Uganda. The purpose of this initiative is to strengthen and sustain, through collaborative training and research, the ability of NIAID-funded scientists, physicians, nurses, and public health practitioners to contribute to clinical research. This training program will prepare NIAID-funded field researchers and key staff to address all the key issues pertaining to the conduct and management of international clinical infectious disease (ID) research in the context of international collaboration. In addition, it will prepare them to participate fully in research addressing global problems in ID prevention and control, emphasizing local research target areas. The training program is multidisciplinary and will include clinical research design, epidemiology, health behavior, biostatistics, mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative), health policy, clinical trial regulatory mechanisms, research ethics, data management, field management, clinical management, outreach and retention, quality assurance in clinical and laboratory matters, and key principles in observational, treatment and prevention research. This training curriculum will aim at building the ICER sites into regional centers of excellence in clinical research by providing training components that focus on capacity building for clinical research.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2003


  • Community Health
  • Community Health and Preventive Medicine
  • Public Health
  • Public Health Education and Promotion


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