On Accelerated Failure Time Models Performance Under Progressive Type-II Censoring

Amal Helu, Hani Samawi, Majd Alslman

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Accelerated failure time (AFT) models have intensive applications in many research areas, including but not limited to behavioral, chronic (e.g., cancer), and infectious diseases (e.g., HIV) research. In this paper, we investigate the performance of the AFT models when Progressive Type-II censoring schemes are performed. We demonstrate the usefulness of using these schemes. We discuss their testing procedure power, Bias, and MSE of the hazard ratio estimates compared to the same sample size of the uncensored data. Theoretically, we derive the models, the MLE scores, and the Fisher information matrix. A comparison between these estimators is provided by using extensive simulation. A real-life data example is provided to illustrate our proposed estimators.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)815-828
Number of pages14
JournalStatistics, Optimization and Information Computing
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2022


  • Accelerated failure time model
  • hazard ratio
  • Progressive Type-II censoring
  • survival analysis


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