One Hundred Years of the Dialectic: Reflections on “Marxism and Philosophy”

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In a recent article appearing in Spectre Journal, Darren Roso concludes his discussion of “Weimar’s Marxist Heretic: Reading Karl Korsch Today” by stating that “It is, perhaps, a good but dark time to read authors like Korsch who articulated something timeless about revolutionary Marxism.” What Roso finds “timeless” is the importance of “timeliness” in “absolute” commitment to human liberation. One might hesitate before a timeless absolute, yet it is noteworthy that the text that is most central to the intellectual legacy of Karl Korsch (1886-1961) has now reached its centenary and Roso may well be correct to claim that is indeed a good, albeit dark, time to re-read Korsch. This essay will not retread the ground covered by Roso, the reader is strongly encouraged to learn more about the life and work of Karl Korsch by accessing Roso’s timely and excellent contribution. This essay will instead focus on “Marxism and Philosophy,” and consider to what extent it remains timely for our times, mostly but not necessarily only for those who share ongoing progressive and socialist commitments.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalClass, Race and Corporate Power
StatePublished - Jan 1 2022


  • Political Science


  • Marxism
  • Philosophy
  • Roso


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