Organic Ionic Liquids: Ultimate Green Solvents in Organic Synthesis

Abid Shaikh, Xudong Huang

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Over the years, ionic liquids have gained significant attention in organic synthesis and other areas of chemistry as environmentally benign solvents. Unlike traditional solvents, ionic liquids offer several advantages such as being nonvolatile, noncorrosive, immiscible in organic solvents, easily stored and handled, producing less hazardous waste, and easily recovered in terms of materials during the reaction work-up. Their role in enhancing reaction rates and selectivity is well documented in the literature. Ionic liquids have proved to be an important alternative over traditional solvents in a variety of synthetic transformations. In this account, we highlight some of the advancements over the last decade in the development of ionic liquids as solvents in organic synthesis.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationGreen Solvents II: Properties and Applications in Chemistry
StatePublished - 2012


  • Chemistry


  • Green solvents
  • Organic ionic liquids
  • Organic synthesis


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