Perceived Environmental Change as a Determinant of Managerial Information Seeking Behavior

John Leaptrott (Emeritus), J. Michael McDonald

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Environmental scanning is a necessary component of the strategic management process. Several prior studies have examined aspects of purposeful information search behavior related to the business environment because it is deemed to be a necessary component of the formulation of business policy and strategy. This study used a sample of managers in the credit union industry to assess how the managers’ information search behavior related to various environmental sectors was affected by their perceived rate of change in those sectors. The study measured the managers' use of five different types of information sources related to each of six environmental sectors. The five types of information sources included internal and external personal and written sources and the use of the Internet in their environmental scanning behavior. The six sectors were equally divided between the task and general environments. The hypothesized positive relationship between perceived sector importance and search behavior, measured by the frequency of information source usage, was supported for sectors related to the general environment, but not for sectors related to the task environment.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Management and Marketing Research
StatePublished - Feb 1 2015


  • Business Administration, Management, and Operations


  • Environmental Sector Rate of Change
  • Environmental Sector Scanning
  • Environmental Sector Uncertainty
  • Strategy


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