Planning to Implement an Outsourcing Project

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Discusses the implementation phase of outsourcing library functions. Describes the following basic steps involved in the implementation of the outsourcing project: 1.designing an implementation plan, 2. communicating the implementation plan, 3. adjusting the organizational structure and staff, 4. Selecting vendors, 5. negotiating a contract, 6. implementing the contract, 7. maintain the contract, 8.monitoring and evaluating the contract. Concludes that a successful outsourcing project requires library managers be very careful in executing the outsourcing decision.

本文討論也關如何去實際執行圖書館外包項目。一項成功的外包項目的實施程序大可分為下列步驟:1.訂定實施計畫;2.公布實施計畫;3.調整組織架構和人員;4.選擇承包商;5.談判合約;6.履行合約;7.維護合約;8.監督及評估合約。本文的結論認為圖書館必須 認識到實際執行工作的好壞將會對整項外包工作的成敗產生重大的影響。為確保外包項目的質量達到要求,圖書館的管理階層必須再實施外包計劃時保持謹慎態度和做好充分的準備。
Original languageAmerican English
JournalBulletin of Library and Information Science (圖書與資訊學刊)
StatePublished - Aug 1 1999


  • Library and Information Science


  • Implement
  • Outsourcing project
  • Planning


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