Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers Functionalized with Metal Organic Framework Particles to Adsorb Carbon Dioxide Gas from Emission Systems

Wahiduzzaman, Mujibur Khan, Saheem Absar, Spencer Harp, Jeffrey Neumann

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Crystalline particles known as Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF’s) are known for their large surface area and high adsorption and storage capacity for CO 2 gas. Electrospun nanofibers are considered as ideal substrates for synthesizing the MOF particles on the fiber surface. A novel material system for CO 2 gas adsorption filter based on the MOF containing nanofibers was developed. Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and a Cu-based MOF known as HKUST-1 were selected as substrate fibers and adsorbent particles respectively. Electrospun PAN nanofibers exhibits good thermal stability and mechanical strength. HKUST-1 particles are known for their high gas adsorption capacity and thermal stability as well. A precursor solution of PAN polymer hybridized with HKUST-dissolved in Dimehtylformamide (DMF) is used as the primary component solution for electrospinning. The purpose of hybridizing MOF particles into PAN precursor solution was to form a seeding layer inside the fiber surface for further formation of MOF particles. The fibers were electrospun continuously in a bulk scale, on a porous metal-made canister model. SEM images of the fibers showed MOF particles impregnated into the fiber structure. A secondary solvothermal process of MOF particles growing on the fibers was then for more effectual gas adsorption. The secondary process consists of multiple growth cycles, performed inside a vacuum chamber to achieve higher loading of MOF particles and no contamination from the atmosphere. SEM images showed uniform distribution of MOF particles of 2-3µm in size. The MOF particles possessed a porous structure of octahedral crystalline shape. Thermogravitimetric analysis of HKUST-1 showed weight loss of 42% occurred between 280°C and 320°C. This bears the evidence that the produced HKUST-1 is thermally stable within the mentioned temperature range. The canister containing the MOF loaded nanofibers was taken into a sealed chamber with gas flown through it from a CO2 gas tank. To examine the adsorption of CO2 on the filter system, a comparative IR spectroscopy was performed for gas treated and gas untreated fiber samples. IR results showed the presence of characteristic peak for CO2 in the vicinity of 2300 and 2400cm -1 wavenumber in case of gas treated fiber sample which corroborates the assertion of adsorption of CO2 on the system. Further step involved is to investigate the gas adsorption capacity of the filter system in an experimental test bench. Non-dispersive Infrared (NDIR) CO2 sensors will be used at the gas inlet and outlet parts to measure the concentration of CO2 and determine the amount of gas uptake by the filter system.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Apr 24 2015


  • Metal organic framework
  • Nanofibers
  • Gas adsorbtion
  • Polyacrylonitrile
  • HKUST-1
  • Adsorption filter
  • IR spectroscopy
  • Thermogravitimetric analysis
  • CO2 sensors
  • Scanning electron microscopy

DC Disciplines

  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Polymer and Organic Materials


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