Popular Culture and Critical Pedagogy: Reading, Connecting, Constructing

John A. Weaver, Toby Daspit

Research output: Book, anthology, or reportBook


Georgia Southern University faculty member John Weaver co-edited Popular Culture and Critical Pedagogy: Reading, Connecting, Constructing alongside Toby Daspit.

This collection attempts to incorporate cultural studies into the understanding of schooling, not simply addressing how students read themselves as "members" of a distinct culture, but how they, along with teachers and administrators, read popular texts in general. The purpose of this book is to suggest some alternative directions critical pedagogy can take in its critique of popular culture by inviting multiple reading of popular texts into its analysis of schooling and seeing many forms of popular culture as critical pedagogical texts.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Nov 1 1998


  • Education
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Administration and Supervision
  • Educational Methods


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