Post-test Reviews: a Learning and Teaching Tool?

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Presentation given at the SoTL Commons Conference.

Post-test reviews can play an important role to develop students' cognitive thinking, allow for self-reflection of test preparation and test practices, and improve student success. The question is whether the benefits for students' learning, self-confidence, and lower anxiety levels outweigh the time and effort. Negative experiences associated with students using it as an opportunity to improve grades, and questioning the integrity of the instructor, have led to instructors not doing test reviews at all. The presentation describes how post-test reviews can be successfully used to enhance teaching and learning.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Feb 25 2022
EventSoTL Commons Conference - Savannah, United States
Duration: Feb 15 2023Feb 17 2023 (Conference archive)


ConferenceSoTL Commons Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


  • Nursing


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