Preparation of αGd2(MoO4)3 red emitting phosphor for white light emitting diodes and its luminescence study

Xiao Xia Zhao, Xiao Jun Wang, Bao Jiu Chen, Qing Yu Meng, Bin Yan, Wei Hua Di

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


A novel red phosphor α-Gd2 (M0O4)3:Eu was synthesized by conventional solid state reaction method with the starting materials: Gd2O3, MoO3 and Eu2O3. The effects of flux and Eu concentration on the crystal structure, morphology and luminescent properties of the phosphors were investigated. The results showed that non-agglomeration phosphors with regular morphology and fine size were produced after the mixture being calcined at 800°C for 4 h with 3% NH4F as flux. The main emission peak of the samples is at 613 nm. The excitation spectrum showed that this phosphor can be effectively excited by ultraviolet (UVX395 nm) and blue (465 nm) light, nicely fitting in with the widely applied output wavelengths of ultraviolet or blue LED chips. The α-Gd2(MoO4)3 phosphor may be a good candidate phosphor for solid state lighting application.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)629-633
Number of pages5
JournalGuang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2007

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Instrumentation
  • Spectroscopy


  • Eu White LED
  • Flux
  • Red emitting phosphor


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