Preventing Cell Phone Intrusion and Theft Using Biometrics: Fingerprint Biometric Security Utilizing Dongle and Solid State Relay Technology

Donny Jacob Ohana, Liza Phillips, Lei Chen

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter

15 Scopus citations


Most cell phones use a password, PIN, or visual pattern to secure the phone. With these types of security methods being used, there is much vulnerability. Another alternative is biometric authentication. Biometric security systems have been researched for many years. Some mobile manufacturers have implemented fingerprint scanners into their phones, such as the old Fujitsu F505i [7] and the current Motorola Atrix. Since theft of cell phones is becoming more common every day, there is a real need for a security system that not only protects the data, but the phone itself. It is proposed through this research that a biometric security system be the alternative to knowledge-based and password-based authentication. Furthermore, a device dongle must be implemented into this infrastructure to establish a reliable security system that deters theft for the majority; biometrics alone is not sufficient. Cell phones need power and must be charged almost daily. A biometric phone charger that acts as a dongle with a solid state relay, will be presented as a viable solution to theft in this research. Additionally, it will be shown through the results of this research that a system dependant only on biometrics is unreliable and unsecure. Essentially, a mobile security system that combines biometrics with dongle technology is believed to be the ideal solution for limiting the black market of stolen cell phones; without the biometric charger/dongle, the stolen cell phone would be rendered useless.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Security and Privacy Workshops
StatePublished - May 23 2013


  • Databases and Information Systems


  • Biometric security
  • Cell phone biometrics
  • Cell phone relay
  • Cell phone security dongle
  • Mobile devices
  • Mobile security


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