Probing Epsilon Near Zero-related Enhancements in Silver

R. Hussain, M. A. Noginov, M. Durach, N. Noginova

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingConference articlepeer-review


We probe effects of field enhancements in silver-dielectric layers using a highly luminescent organic system with Eu3+. Significant enhancement in the excitation spectra is observed at the spectral range corresponding to epsilon-near zero for silver.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCLEO
Subtitle of host publicationQELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2014
PublisherOptical Society of America (OSA)
ISBN (Print)9781557529992, 9781557529992
StatePublished - 2014
EventCLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2014 - San Jose, CA, United States
Duration: Jun 8 2014Jun 13 2014

Publication series

NameOptics InfoBase Conference Papers
ISSN (Electronic)2162-2701


ConferenceCLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2014
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Jose, CA


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