‘Professor Moms’ & ‘Hidden Service’ in Pandemic Times: Students Report Women Faculty more Supportive & Accommodating amid U.S. COVID Crisis Onset

Danielle Docka-Filipek, Crissa Draper, Janice Snow, Lindsey B. Stone

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Emerging data suggests the COVID-19 crisis exacerbated preexisting, long-documented gender inequities among U.S. faculty in higher education. During the initial Spring 2020 ‘lockdown’ in the U.S., 80 students conveyed their experiences with faculty across 362 courses. We evaluated whether students’ reports of faculty supportiveness, accommodations granted, and pandemic-impacted, anticipated grade outcomes differed according to faculty gender via mixed linear models (data on 362 courses were nested within 80 student reporters). Students perceived their women instructors as more supportive, accommodating, and anticipated lesser course grade decreases across the semester than in courses taught by men. Accordingly, we interpret that amidst the ‘lockdown’ crisis, women faculty earned higher perceived supportiveness and positive student outcomes than their male counterparts. Further, the data likely reflects women faculty’s greater conscription into demonstrated care work, despite the coding of such labor as “feminine,” thereby rendering such work devalued. To reframe, to the degree that students expect more ‘intensive pedagogies,’ which invites faculty and administrators to gender disparate demands, such pressures likely translate to ‘hidden service’ burdens, and correspondingly, less time for career-advancing activities (such as research). Broader implications are discussed, alongside women faculty’s documented experiences of acceleration in career and work/family pressures in pandemic-times, which combine to exacerbate long-standing, yet now-amplified penalties, potentially driving a widening, gendered chasm in academic career outcomes. We conclude by offering constructive suggestions to mitigate any discriminatory impacts imposed by students’ gendered assessment inputs and expectations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)787-811
Number of pages25
JournalInnovative Higher Education
Issue number5
StatePublished - Oct 2023

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Education


  • COVID-19 pandemic
  • Gender inequality
  • Hidden service
  • Teaching evaluations
  • Women faculty


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