Public Health Spending in 2008: On the Challenge of Integrating PHSSR Datasets and the Need for Harmonization

Jonathon Leider, Katie Sellers, Gulzar H. Shah, Jim Pearsol, Paul E. Jarris

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


In recent years, state and local public health department budgets have been cut, sometimes drastically. However, there is no systematic tracking of governmental public health spending that would allow researchers to assess these cuts in comparison with governmental public health spending as a whole. Furthermore, attempts to quantify the impact of public health spending are limited by the lack of good data on public health spending on state and local public health services combined. The objective of this article is to integrate self-reported state and local health department (LHD) survey data from 2 major national organizations to create state-level estimates of governmental public health spending. To create integrated estimates, we selected 1388 LHDs and 46 states that had reported requisite financial information. To account for the nonrespondent LHDs, estimates of the spending were developed by using appropriate statistical weights. Finally, funds from federal pass-through and state sources were estimated for LHDs and subtracted from the total spending by the state health agency to avoid counting these dollars in both state and local figures. On average, states spend $106 per capita on traditional public health at the state and local level, with an average of 42% of spending occurring at the local level. Considerable variation exists in state and local public health funding. The results of this analysis show a relatively low level of public health funding compared with state Medicaid spending and health care more broadly.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Public Health Management and Practice
StatePublished - Jul 1 2012


  • Health Services Administration
  • Public Health


  • Budgeting
  • Funding
  • Harmonization
  • Public health
  • Public health finance


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