Ratio Estimation Using Stratified Ranked Set Sample

Hani Samawi, Mahmoud I. Siam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Ratio estimation method is used to obtain a new estimator with higher precision for estimating the population mean or total. There are two methods for estimating ratios when the sampling design is simple stratified random sampling (SSRS), namely the combined and the separate ratio estimates. We study the performance of the combined and the separate ratio estimates using stratified ranked set sample (SRSS) introduced by Samawi (1996). Theoretical and simulation study as well as real data example are presented. It appears that using SRSS is more efficient than using SSRS for ratio estimation both in the case of combined and separate methods.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalMETRON - International Journal of Statistics
StatePublished - 2003


  • Biostatistics


  • Concomitant variables
  • Order statistics
  • Ranked set sample
  • Ratio estimators
  • Stratified sample


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