Reaching New Heights with Zach's Ladder: Establishing an M.L.I.S. Interest Group to Support Staff and Students at the Zach Henderson Library

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The path to earning a Master’s Degree in Library Science has changed drastically within the past ten years. In the past, many students attended a brick and mortar building to complete their degree. They often had many classes and assignments completed in their University's library.  Currently, most degrees are earned through online classes with scattered in-person classes. Very few if any assignments are completed in the University’s own library. Another new trend is that many MLIS students are working full-time in an Academic/ Public Library while going to school full-time.  Students often find that their current positions help them greatly in their studies. However, one area that is lacking is in the support that they feel they have from their “home” libraries. The Zach S. Henderson Library has many full-time employees that are going to school to earn their Master’s Degree in Library Science.  The Henderson Library has an opportunity to play an important role as a mentor and learning place for MLIS students. The library will benefit by having eager, engaged, and knowledgeable MLIS students working in the library. MLIS students benefit by learning from seasoned librarians and developing a professional relationship with them. 
The goals for the Zach’s Ladder include the following:
1.We want them to feel supported by Henderson Library while working and earning their MLIS Degree.
2.We want them to be exposed to other career paths within the library profession.
3. We want them to connect with each other and with librarians already in the profession.
4. We want them to be exposed to real world on the job experiences through discussions with professional librarians.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Oct 6 2017
EventGeorgia Libraries Conference - Columbus, United States
Duration: Oct 4 2017Oct 6 2017 (Link to conference schedule)


ConferenceGeorgia Libraries Conference
Abbreviated titleGLC
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


  • Library and Information Science


  • Careers
  • Library School
  • M.L.I.S. support
  • Mentoring


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