Research Participants Discuss STEM Conference Participation and Impacton Thinking and Practice

Colleen Beyer, Thomas Koballa, Delena Bell Gatch, Leslie S. Jones, Sharmistha Basu-Dutt, Farooq Khan, Thomas R. Koballa

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation

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Last spring, Georgia Southern University hosted its first Scholarship of STEM Teaching and Learning conference. Conference participants were asked to respond to a survey and a subset of participants was selected for an in-depth study. In this session, an overview of the research project will be presented and current research participants will discuss the impact of conference participation on their thinking and practice.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 8 2013


  • Computer Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Physical Sciences and Mathematics
  • Science and Mathematics Education


  • Georgia Southern University
  • Impact on thinking and practice
  • STEM
  • Scholarship of STEM Teaching and Learning conference


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