Rumors of Communicable Disease: Is Your Company Prepared

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A blogger reported in January that three terrorists infected with a communicable form of avian flu had entered the country and were traveling the country infecting people. The blog claims the United States government is aware of the threat but is not publicizing it to avert panic. The blogger goes on to explain that avian flu is highly communicable, kills 70 percent of those infected, and that there is no effective treatment for it. Moreover, the writer adds the only way to avoid catching the disease is to stay away from anywhere that large numbers of people congregate. Is your company prepared to deal with a situation like this? Do you know how your employees would respond to such an announcement, particularly if the report is not true? Does your company’s disaster plan take bioterrorist attacks into account? Most of you reading this article are aware of terrorist threats and have been
Original languageAmerican English
JournalDisaster Recovery Journal
StatePublished - Nov 20 2007


  • Public Health


  • Communicable disease
  • Company
  • Rumors


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