Search for invisible modes of nucleon decay in water with the SNO+ detector

M. Anderson, S. Andringa, E. Arushanova, S. Asahi, M. Askins, D. J. Auty, A. R. Back, Z. Barnard, N. Barros, D. Bartlett, F. Barão, R. Bayes, E. W. Beier, A. Bialek, S. D. Biller, E. Blucher, R. Bonventre, M. Boulay, D. Braid, E. CadenE. J. Callaghan, J. Caravaca, J. Carvalho, L. Cavalli, D. Chauhan, M. Chen, O. Chkvorets, K. J. Clark, B. Cleveland, C. Connors, I. T. Coulter, D. Cressy, X. Dai, C. Darrach, B. Davis-Purcell, M. M. Depatie, F. Descamps, F. Di Lodovico, N. Duhaime, F. Duncan, J. Dunger, E. Falk, N. Fatemighomi, V. Fischer, E. Fletcher, R. Ford, N. Gagnon, K. Gilje, P. Gorel, J. Secrest

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32 Scopus citations


This paper reports results from a search for nucleon decay through invisible modes, where no visible energy is directly deposited during the decay itself, during the initial water phase of SNO+. However, such decays within the oxygen nucleus would produce an excited daughter that would subsequently deexcite, often emitting detectable gamma rays. A search for such gamma rays yields limits of 2.5×1029 y at 90% Bayesian credibility level (with a prior uniform in rate) for the partial lifetime of the neutron, and 3.6×1029 y for the partial lifetime of the proton, the latter a 70% improvement on the previous limit from SNO. We also present partial lifetime limits for invisible dinucleon modes of 1.3×1028 y for nn, 2.6×1028 y for pn and 4.7×1028 y for pp, an improvement over existing limits by close to 3 orders of magnitude for the latter two.

Original languageEnglish
Article number032008
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number3
StatePublished - Feb 1 2019


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