Seismic Damage Mechanism and Dynamic Deformation Characteristic Analysis of Mountain Tunnel after Wenchuan Earthquake

Yusheng Shen, Bo Gao, Xiaoming Yang, Shuangjiang Tao

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

251 Scopus citations


After the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Mw = 8.3), many mountain highway tunnels in the affected area were severely damaged. In order to improve the current knowledge about the seismic performance of mountain tunnels under strong earthquakes, a forensic investigation was conducted on 52 tunnels after the earthquake. Based on the seismic damage data, the damage level of the inspected tunnels was classified using a new damage evaluation criterion. Subsequently, typical seismic damage characteristics and mechanisms of mountain tunnels were analyzed based on three different damage patterns: damage to shallow tunnel, damage to deep-buried tunnel structure and damage to pavement. Finally, based on the relative displacement (RD) method, a three-dimensional numerical model was developed to investigate the deformation characteristics of the portal structure under a strong earthquake. The numerical results showed that the tunnel lining cross section exhibited an alternate tension–compression deformation at the diagonal directions, and the relative displacement value of the upper-structure (above the sidewall) was generally more than that of the lower-structure (under the sidewall). Three stress states of the lining were deduced from the numerical model, which provided a good interpretation for the seismic tunnel damages observed after the Wenchuan earthquake.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalEngineering Geology
StatePublished - Oct 8 2014


  • Construction Engineering
  • Civil Engineering


  • Analysis
  • Dynamic deformation characteristic
  • Mountain tunnel
  • Seismic damage mechanism
  • Wenchuan earthquake


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