Self-Healing Polymer Coatings

Rolf A.T.M. van Benthem, Marshall Ming, Gijsbertus de With

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


This chapter deals with aspects to be considered with respect to the self healing of polymer coatings. After discussing the scope and limitations of self healing concepts in polymer coatings, an overview of present approaches and technologies is given. The differences between reversible and irreversible networks are discussed. Surface self-replenishing as well as active species self-replenishing are dealt with. A currently applied industrial example is elaborated: scratch-healing automotive coatings. Finally, possible future scenarios are discussed.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationSelf Healing Materials: An Alternative Approach to 20 Centuries of Materials Science
StatePublished - 2007


  • Chemistry


  • Polymer Coatings


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