Smokeless Tobacco Use Among Rural Women in the S.E. U.S.A.

Brenda Talley, Rose M. Gee, Debbie Allen, Alison M. Rushing, Dellarie L. Shilling

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: The purpose is to share patterns of smokeless tobacco in women derived from qualitative research and to underscore the need to assess and discuss the health risks of smokeless tobacco. Target audience is nurses, other health care providers, and researchers interested in exploring smokeless tobacco use in other populations. Methods: A qualitative approach elicited personal descriptions of patterns of smokeless tobacco use in women in rural South East U.S.A. Ten women participated in 1-5 interviews. Data collected included medical history, onset of use, duration of use, and frequency and quantity of tobacco use. Results: Analysis identified family history and influence of others, cultural and social underpinnings, "secrecy" against "outsiders", and lack of knowledge of health risks. Of the ten participants, three had significant health problems attributable to use (two oral cancers, one recurring cardiac arrhythmia requiring ablation). Themes related to patterns of use were identified. At least two distinctive groups emerged: age at onset (range 8-42) and predications of initial use (childhood initiation-culturally imbedded vs. adult initiation-cigarette substitution behavior). Conclusion: "Secrecy" of use is a deterrent to health education and early diagnosis and treatment. Communication is lacking between health care providers and female users of smokeless tobacco. Needed is improved attention to screening by health care providers and culturally appropriate primary and secondary prevention strategies References: Arabi, Z. (2007). An epidemic that deserves more attention: Epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of smokeless tobacco. Southern Medical Journal, 100(9), 890-894. Lee, J. H. (2009). Smokeless tobacco and head and neck cancer: There is risk even without fire. South Dakota Medicine, Spec No, 38-39. Talley, B., Gee, R., Allen, D., Marshall, E., Encinas, K., & Lim, S. (2011). Assessment of smokeless tobacco use in the history and physical examination by primary health care providers. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. 3(8), 445-447.

Original languageAmerican English
Journaligma Theta Tau International's 23rd International Nursing Research Congress Abstracts
StatePublished - Sep 12 2012


  • Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Nursing


  • Health Behaviors
  • Smokeless Tobacco
  • Women


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