Story Nights: an apprenticeship into literacy through bilingual story reading

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


This article documents an extended Mexican family’s social practices surrounding literacy as they engage with bilingual children’s literature in a unique context that draws from both home and school without the pressures of curriculum mandates. The research is situated within the southeastern United States where English-dominant practices permeate the school and community. Sociocultural and third space theories provide a framework for understanding the complexities surrounding language use and literacy development. Findings indicate the new space, Story Nights, provides for the development of connections to Mexican culture and a notion of community-based literacy learning. The author makes recommendations for classroom teachers, teacher education programs, and educational policy to be more inclusive of Latino/Latina English learners.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)286-304
Number of pages19
JournalTeaching Education
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jul 2 2016

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Education


  • teacher education curriculum
  • teacher education policy
  • teacher thinking and knowledge


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