Story-Telling and Narrative: A Neurophilosophical Perspective

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Theories of neuroscience are presented to demonstrate the significance of storytelling and narrative to education by relating brain function to learning. A few key concepts are reviewed to establish a common working vocabulary with regard to neural networks. The tensor network theory and the neurognosis theory are described to provide understanding of brain functions during learning. It is apparent that learning is based on previous learning, and that unless new information is related to preexisting student interest and knowledge, there will be no previously established neural network to which students can connect new extensions. Educators must work with the functioning of student brains, and not against it. They must recognize that the brain is structured, or "wired," to detect patterns and that there is an underlying impulse to take in information in symbolic form. Storytelling and narratives are a good way to encourage new connections and the recognition of new patterns and relationships among objects and ideas. An example is given in a description of students who learn the geography of West Africa through story-telling rather than through memorizing lists of facts and geographic details.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationNarrative, Story and Myth in Education: Proceedings of the South Atlantic Philosophy of Education Society
StatePublished - 1994


  • Curriculum and Instruction


  • Narrative
  • Neurophilosophical perspective
  • Story-telling


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