Student Academic Motivations in a Graduate Nursing Program

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Results of semester one of a longitudinal six-semester study investigating student intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for taking classes in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Family Nurse Practitioner Program will be discussed. The study evaluates student academic motivation as they progress in the program to better understand motivations influencing academic behaviors and course performance, and whether these change in subsequent semesters. Previous studies indicate motivation is linked to student success; however, few followed students through their entire program. Session objectives are to synthesize similar studies on the topic, present results of the current study, and discuss the implications for faculty teaching in the program. Attendees can expect to learn about self-determination theory, ways to operationalize the Academic Motivation Scale in graduate education, and the relationship between graduate student motivation and academic behaviors and performance. The feasibility and implications of extending this model to other disciplines will also be discussed.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 29 2013


  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Education
  • Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
  • Educational Methods
  • Higher Education
  • Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education


  • Academic motivation
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • SoTL


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